Title: Stone Guardians: Obsidian Book
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: December 22, 2015
Long before man there were Stone
Guardians, a race of immortal warriors who sat beside Goddess. Isobel is
different, she is an illegal bound servant. Not human or Guardian, she is
vampire. Last of her kind, kept hidden by her Guardian master Vilem of the
Obsidian Clan. Youngest son to Ivy who is responsible for the uprising that
tore the Stone Guardians into two factions. One who still worship the Goddess,
and the other who defies her.
Isobel has seen a lot throughout
her many years with Vilem. She has learned with great minds, taught by teachers
who live in history books. But she is truly happy when she sings. Now she is
the head singer of the local rock band À La Mode. Her band consist of her
closest friends, who are fourth generation Guardians. As uninvited visitors
show up and threaten Isobel’s life. She has to play the good little Guardian
while her world unwinds.
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